Fieldnotes and Folklore
Fieldnotes And Folklore is a naturalist's view of science, nature, and culture. Naturalist Bekah Simon takes listeners outdoors to learn about what is out there and how different types of people have used or thought about each topic.
Fieldnotes and Folklore
Episode 19: Reflections (Part 1)
Naturalist, Bekah Simon, describes what she has been doing while the podcast has been on pause. Join her as she reflects on her adventures across the country.
*Unfortunately, the audio quality in this episode is not what I normally like it to be. I am hoping to have this fixed by the next time I record.
**Interview with Crystalina Mae to be held on Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 12pm eastern time in the Fieldnotes and Folklore Facebook group page as a Facebook Live.
Crystalina Mae's Podcast, The Witchy Historian: https://thewitchyhistorian.podbean.com/
Want to support a local indigenous organization? Here is a great one in the state of Ohio to support! https://www.naicco.com/
Want to email the show? Send your questions, comments, and ideas to FieldnotesAndFolklore@gmail.com
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- Facebook: https://facebook.com/groups/fieldnotesandfolklore/
- Instagram: @FieldnotesAndFolklore
- TikTok: @FieldnotesAndFolklore
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